I think we can all agree that it’s important to be able to predict the spread of COVID-19. This pandemic isn’t showing any signs of stopping any time soon. A …
Just two years after its initial funding, Nym Health, an Israeli-based company has added managed to add an additional $16.5 million dollars to its bottom line. This money was raised …
Having issues with breathing, unexplained vibrations, and random itches are all things that we experience at some point in our lives, even though there is no obvious physical cause. Just …
Could hot yoga really just be a waste of effort? A study suggests that the practice may offer little benefit over similarly-paced yoga at a more normal temperature. Read more:
Anind K. Dey, Associate Professor of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, demonstrates a device that tracks the success of a senior’s prescription medicine routine.
Despite it being 2013, race, unfortunately is still very much an issue in this world. And these racial issues impact people more than just on a social level… as Laci …
Tough love for Tufty: How red squirrels are being squeezed in to tiny cages for a health check… then sent on to new homes Population of red squirrels has plummeted …