“WROL: Rules of Engagement” by Nutnfancy04:33

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Published on April 20, 2017

When do you shoot to save your life in WROL? In yet another serious and thoughtful TNP philosophy video, I can’t provide definitive answers. The situations and options you might face are too numerous to address and I’m not you. But I do provide some well thought out and value system based considerations to possible use of lethal force in Without Rule of Law situations. These choices will be very similar to ROL situations and the ROL framework provides good guidelines. Suppositions for this video are covered to lay the groundwork: the natural right of self defense and freedom, definitions of long term WROL, cessation of all critical services, possible emergence of predations, the likelihood of peaceful cooexistence in WROL, and how survival or ridiculous “Zombie apocalypse” fantasies have no place in the dealing with stark survival situations or our mindsets. Our goal is to preserve our lives, our freedom, our property, and our integrity and goodness as we work again to reestablish ROL and being GOOD in the process. We have first UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION, seeking “intel” on the situation, the people, and events that now constitute our WROL world. Who’s who? This understanding will be ongoing and ever changing and can help guide our approaches. Control rumors and fear during that process as it could lead to unnecessary violence. Don’t have over confidence in your prepartions either; once discovered you can be easily overwhelmed no matter how prepared your “cave” is. It’s best to live quietly and peaceably, working with your neighbors to get through these tough times…just like mankind has always done. EXPLORE ALTERNATIVES to use of lethal force at every turn. Is there another way to deal with the situation? Talking and non-lethal options should top the list. So should fleeing if it’s possible. As discussed here, helping establish your own Rules of Engagement might be a Neighborhood Council; this localized guidance in the face of WROL chaos can provide well-reasoned, thoughtful direction on these decisions. And yet despite a your avoidance approach, evil still may find you and you will be faced with the HARD CHOICE. You may have to go through your “unlock codes” and be forced to take the shot that will save you, your loved ones, or your neighbors. It won’t be without consequences and you won’t like them (discussed). Realities of such an encounter, the probable distances, are covered. Contrary to the portrayals by irresponsible, foolish people online and in popular culture, WROL will not be a fun free for all time to “set things straight.” A long term WROL situation could be a miserable situation where millions will die simply to the loss of services, never mind any ensuing violence. Your value system, whatever it is, is ultimately your guiding force and should be durable, unwaivering, and sure. Were you honorable, did you serve others, did you avoid conflict whenever possible, and can your decisions withstand the scrutiny of any ROL councils that may convene later? Just like in ROL, in the end you have to live with yourself and what you did in WROL. Act wisely.////////////////////Shirts at WWW.NUTNFANCY.BIGCARTEL.COM. Use code TNPROE for $5 off tan “Make it Count” shirts… a thanks to viewers of this video



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