Web Components in Action – Google I/O 201304:33

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Published on September 24, 2017

Alex Komoroske, Matthew McNulty

This session builds on technologies and concepts discussed in a previous session, “”Web Components: a tectonic shift for web development””. This year web development gets a whole lot better thanks to the incredible power of Web Components. Our goal in this session is to show you how to use polyfills to help you realize tomorrow’s web platform today. As browsers implement these new specifications, that shim layer gets smaller, better, and faster over time. We’ll talk about shadow DOM, custom elements, declarative data/event binding, touch input, smooth animations, and how you can combine them to create awesome apps. Write less boilerplate, target every platform, and be more productive by using the next generation of the web platform.

To learn more about web components, see
“Web Components – A Tectonic Shift for Web Development” –

For all I/O 2013 sessions, go to



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