Part 21 Bindings in WCF04:33

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Published on April 28, 2017

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A WCF service endpoint consists of 3 things
A -Address (Address where the WCF Service is available)
B -Binding (We will discuss this in more detail in this video)
C – Contract (Specifies what the service can do. For example, the service contract describes which operations the client can perform on the service)

So, what is a binding in a WCF service?
A WCF binding defines how the client needs to communicate with the service. The WCF binding that you choose determines the following for the communication between the client and the service.
Transport Protocol (for example, HTTP, TCP, NamedPipe, MSMQ)
Message Encoding (for example, text/XML, binary, or (MTOM) Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism)
Protocols (for example, reliable messaging, transaction support)

In WCF there are several built-in bindings that we could use. The complete list can be found at the following MSDN link

Depending on your application requirement, you pick the binding that best suit your needs. If you are not sure, which binding to use there is a flowchart at the following link that can be handy.

As WCF is very extensible, you can also create a custom binding and use it, if none of the system provided bindings suit your needs.

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