Mushroom time lapse over 48 hours timelapse photography Chlorophyllum Molybdites04:33

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Published on February 8, 2017

This is a time lapse video of mushrooms inside a Polycarbonate dome used to keep the wind out. This video is a tribute to our friend, Alex Colley, who passed away in an auto accident in May 2013. He is greatly missed. Alex was our neighbor and Roland’s son. They lived at the church that caught fire in 2010. Our great Youtube followers helped raise money to get Roland back on his feet, and at that time, Alex would work a day or two a week with us. After the fire incident, we started mentoring Alex almost everyday teaching him camera work and general woodworking etc. We were helping him get a real job and supporting him to get his HS diploma completion. On May 17, 2013, after a day of work, Alex left our place, and 15 minutes later, Roland and Alex went to the store. On the trip home, Roland, had a diabetic blackout while driving, and they went off the road 1/4 mile from our house. Roland had several broken ribs, but Alex died instantly. Roland has since moved from the church and their surviving dog, Rocky, is now ours. We adopted Rocky, as Roland could not care for him any longer.

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