I finally FRIED my Lotus T-580 Quad’s ESC! Here’s my Upgrade to V-2.

Published on March 28, 2017

*I was warned when I first got my Lotus T-580 that the speed control would fry. With so much money in lights, RC camera mount, bombdrop servo and RX, I had no choice but to purchase the upgraded board. I put a heat sink on the original and got away with it for quite a few demos and videos, but alas, at Oldham SD, the ESC fried and it fried a motor too! So here is how I replaced it, with some handy tips so you can see how to fix it.
Nitroplanes has replacements, but nothing showing on their website yet.
Helipal has online diagrams and instructions and offers all parts for the Quad
@, $69 for the complete ESC and $49 for the motors, plus $16.95 shipping.
Hobby-Wing sells the both boards individually for $ 45 ea. You need both. ($90)
(Presently their board is out of stock)



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