Esky D-700 3d Helicopter Maiden flight and overview.04:33

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Published on March 16, 2017

* Esky has always had a good reputation with me with it’s Honeybee line. Is the D-700 3d of the same quality? I fly mild stunts and that is why I still have most of my Helicopters, but this heli is 3d Capable and good for 3D beginners! I still have my original Honeybee CP2, my big Lama, Hunter, ES-900 and Twinstar, Tri Rotor. They all still fly fine, so I am expecting the same results with the D-700.
Those that are subscribers to my NightFlyyer Channel on YouTube, know that I have recommended the E-Sky Honeybees to plenty of beginners for years. Very many of you responded saying that you learned to fly on that recommendation. I am happy for that and congratulate you.
I always say, “Learn on a VW and if you never crash it, then get the Porsche!”
As many of you also know from my videos, I am in favor of making my helicopters more visible in the air, hence my trademark pontoons.
I like to see what the heck I am trying to do (when I’m trying to do it).

Fly easy and safe
Dave Herbert
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