A Magnetic Helmet Successfully Reduced The Mass of A Tumor
In a neurological breakthrough, researchers have used a helmet that generates a magnetic field to shrink a deadly tumor by a significant amount. The procedure removed 31 percent of the tumor’s mass in a short time frame. This test is the first noninvasive therapy that was able to reduce the size of glioblastoma, a deadly form of brain cancer.
The helmet uses three spinning magnets. The speed of the magnets is controlled by a microprocessor-based electronic speed controller operated by a rechargeable lithium ion battery. The patient visiting a clinic to wear the device for five weeks. The magnetic field therapy that was created by the helmet was administered for two hours at first, and then ramped up to six hours per day. In that time-frame, the tumor mass was reduced by almost one third.
The inventors of the device aim to make the product one day able to treat brain cancer without radiation or chemotherapy. Details of the procedure have been published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Oncology.
You can learn more about the technology in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Oncology.