Logging exceptions to the windows eventviewer Part 73

Published on January 10, 2018

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In this video we will discuss about logging exceptions to windows eventviewer. In the previous videos we discussed about, creating the custom event log and event source in windows event viewer. Please watch Windows Event Viewer – Part 72, before continuing with this session.

Simplified Log() Method using do-while loop. The complete code for this video can be found at the following URL

public static void Log(Exception exception)
StringBuilder sbExceptionMessage = new StringBuilder();

sbExceptionMessage.Append(“Exception Type” + Environment.NewLine);
sbExceptionMessage.Append(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
sbExceptionMessage.Append(“Message” + Environment.NewLine);
sbExceptionMessage.Append(exception.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
sbExceptionMessage.Append(“Stack Trace” + Environment.NewLine);
sbExceptionMessage.Append(exception.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

exception = exception.InnerException;
while (exception != null);

if (EventLog.SourceExists(“Hello”))
EventLog log = new EventLog(“Hello”);
log.Source = “Hello”;
log.WriteEntry(sbExceptionMessage.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error);



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