Parkzone Micro T-28 Trojan test with 500 mAh Lipo & Night Flying.04:33

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Published on September 26, 2017

See “Under the Hood” and hear everything you wanted to know about the Parkzone T-28 Micro Trojan, including Tiny Brite Lights installed, the 500 mAh Battery Test, Maiden flight, and Night Flying all in 1 action packed video!

The T-28, like it’s big brother that Jeff has flown for years, Looks identical. They fly the same too. We both got them from Brad Hoff at Hobbytown USA, in Sioux Falls South Dakota, but years apart. Brad has an open order from me for anything new to come in, so, Voila.

Since having tried the E-Flite 500 mAh battery in my P-51 and Mustang so successfully, I had to try it on the Trojan too as Jeff and I fly the Trojans together for an exhilarating flight, then he flies my Micro.
Well the Trojan is not as fast as the Mustang, but that is so in real life too.

None the less, it will do every stunt the book the real one can. I would suggest for experienced pilots to move the control rods in one hole for a snappier controls.

I also show how to install the
“Tiny Brite Lights”

as seen in Model Aviation Magazine

I would prefer a red blinking tail light, versus the white strobe, for pitch dark flying and staying oriented, but the lights are so bright, it was easy to fly. They weigh only 1.1 grams.

There are 2 groups of 3 white “Machine Gun” lights, a blinking white tail light, and red and green wing tip lights. They are pre-wired and easily plug in to the DSM2 Receiver.

Taped onto the wings of the plane, installation was a snap, although the Tail light wire was just an inch too short for my installation as I tried to keep all the weight in the nose.

The results and added mass of the bigger battery test was fabulous as you will see with over 31 minutes of flying. I had a ball.
And of course, I had to fly it at night. So, I hope you enjoyed this thorough look at the Trojan.

Thanks for watching and subscribing,
Dave Herbert
AMA #8221
Contest Director
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Scientific division

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