Eddie Bauer Finds Its Soul Again04:33

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Published on August 27, 2017

If you had wondered into an Eddie Bauer store in the late 90s or early 2000s you would have been disappointed. Trying to go after the high markup fashion industry and under the inept direction of corporation General Mills, EB had abandoned its respectable and proven outdoor gear heritage. For almost two decades EB outdoor gear and expedition apparel pretty much disappeared, replaced by low quality Chinese gear emblazoned with the EB logo. I and most other adventurers had written the company off. That is until 2013. The company reorganized after 2009 Chapter 11 and its CEO, an adventurer, took it back to respectability and reconnected with its mountaineering heritage. And as you will see from this catalog review, it’s on the right track with many outstanding, competitive outer wear, tent, and sleeping bag offerings. It has once again shown the world some the best serious adventure gear still carries Eddie’s name; just like my 1958 produced EB down bag that still serves faithfully. Welcome back Eddie Bauer, we’ve missed you.



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