Tools for writing regular expressions04:33

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Published on April 1, 2017

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In this video we will discuss the basics of regular expressions and then look at some of the tools available to learn, write and test regular expressions.

Basics of Regular Expressions

Find the word expression in a given string. This will also match with the word expressions.

To find the word “expression” as a whole word, include b on either sides of the word expression

d indicates to find a digit. To find a 5 digit number we could use the following

We can avoid the repetition of d by using curly braces as shown below. d{5} means repeat d 5 times.

The above example can also be rewritten as shown below.

Find all the words with exactly 5 letters

Brackets are used to find a range of characters
[a-z] – Find any of the characters between the brackets
[0-9] – Find any of the digits between the brackets. This is equivalent to d
(a|b) – Find any of the characters a or b

The page at the following link explains the basics of regular expressions.

Expresso is one of the free tools available. Here is the link to download.

Regular Expression Library

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