Zurich Conference: Brian O’Leary on Free Energy, 12 July04:33

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Published on May 12, 2017

Half way through Brian O’Leary’s presentation on Free Energy on the final afternoon of the Zurich Conference, Henry Deacon – who had been present throughout as an anonymous delegate – asked if he could join Brian to support his testimony on the reality of Free Energy technology.

This video fully captures this surprising (and historic!) moment and Henry, in his very first public appearance, speaking nervously but with great courage, outlines a little of his experience and testifies to the reality of a Free Energy device, based on the Casimir Effect, which he worked with in the 1980s at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey and which at that time was accessible in the public domain.

The video continues to the formal end of the Conference. (Enjoy Brian’s wonderful jazz piano…!)



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