You Can Get Perfume That Smells Like The Universe [NASA’s ‘Smell of Space’]

Published on July 1, 2020

Most people don’t ever think about it but outer space actually has a smell. And now, thanks to a Kickstarter campaign, you can smell (and smell like) outer space! Over 10 years ago, chemists working NASA developed a scent that imitates the smell of space. The scent was created to give astronauts a smell of the cosmos before they left Earth. Now, a company called Eau de Space has got its hands on the scent. Through the Kickstarter campaign, you can order a bottle yourself.

Image Credit: [Eau de Space]

Eau de Space shared a video where NASA astronaut Tony Antonelli can be seen saying that space smells ‘strong and unique,’ and nothing like anything he ever smelled on Earth. Eau de Space says that others have described the smell as ‘raspberries, seared steak, or rum.’

NASA has been working on the scent for over 10 years, but NASA is a government-funded agency that was trapped in bureaucracy and red tape. Eau de Space was able to get its hands on the recipe through ‘determination, grit, a lot of luck, and a couple of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.’ Now for the first time, the general public is going to have a chance to smell it.

All you have to do to experience the smell of space is to make a pledge to their Kickstarter campaign. A $29 pledge gets you a bottle. If you buy in bulk you can get a slight discount, and for each bottle purchased, Eau de Space will donate one to a K-12 STEM program. There aren’t currently any plans for Eau de Space to mass-produce the scent after the Kickstarter campaign is over, so if you are wanting to get in on the space-smelling action, don’t put it off for too long.

Featured Image Credit: [Eau de Space]

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