Voice Mail – 1967 Style: The MAIL CALL04:33

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Published on September 23, 2017

A forgotten vision of the future of Long Distance voice communication.

My previous Playtape video is here:
I’ll have one more video to follow on this topic in a couple of weeks.

If you want to hear some Playtapes being played – Oddity Archive also made a detailed video about the format recently.

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——-THANKS TO ——-
Jerobeam Fenderson for the intro animation:

———-Outro Music———–
Over Time – Vibe Tracks

——Outro Sound Effect——
ThatSFXGuy –

Q) Can a playtape be played in a mail call
A) You can determine what happens from the section in the video regarding how a Mail Pack plays in a Playtape machine…it’s the reverse of that.
A music Playtape is recorded on two parallel tracks each taking up half the width of the tape. The Mail Pack records one track that takes up the whole width of the tape. So a Playtape played in a Mail Call machine will play the two parallel tracks simultaneously – you hear two recordings playing at the same time.




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