Twitter explains API changes to the employees
The API changes of Twitter went live today. In this change, the company has disabled the key features of all the third-party apps which are like Tweetbot as well as Twitterific.
This all-new API removes the timeline streaming along with preventing the third party apps which are from the refreshing timelines that are automatic. It limits the push notifications and other features also. Twitter is now charging an amount of $2,899 per month for the new activity APIs which is up to 250 accounts.
All the third-party Twitter apps will get affected by these changes. Yesterday Tapbots updated the Tweetbot for the iOS app to cripple the multiple popular with Tweetbot users. There will be no Timeline streaming over the Wi-Fi that means the timeline will get refreshed more slowly.
Push notifications along with the Mentions as well as Direct Messages which are delayed by several minutes. Push notifications for likes, follows, retweets, as well as quotes, have been now disabled. The Activity and the Stat tabs which are present on now-deprecated activity APIs which have been removed from the app. This is because the Apple Watch app was now heavily dependent on Activity data which has also been eliminated.
These types of changes also have been introduced to the Twitterific in July. The Twitterific app is now no longer can get any type of notifications like to receive or display them. Twitterrific now recommends to all the users to download the official Twitter app to receive the notifications while they use the Twitterific app which is for everything else.
After these all changes go live, Twitter today has sent out a company-wide email to all its employees. It had started to acknowledge that it will have a huge impact on the third-party Twitter clients which have had on growing the Twitter service which is before pointing towards the technical as well as business constraints. It is also said that it will also prevent it from continuing to offer all the APIs that are necessary to keep the apps in the same working condition as they are before these changes.
Twitter said that till now only just 1 percent of Twitter developers use this now deprecated APIs but these changes can see them to impact most of the major Twitter clients. Till now it is not clear that how Twitter has calculated this figure.