Trump admin’s security idea: A govt-run 5G network

Published on January 29, 2018

What could one possibly do to protect the U.S. government and its processes from any cyberattack emerging from places such as China? Stricter security standards are undoubtedly the first solution that pops into the head of most. Is it possible to integrate the technology with better encryption?

Trump admin’s security idea: A govt-run 5G network

Well, Trump’s administration team has a whole new idea for this problem. The U.S. President’s national security team has suggested that the government should probably control the 5G network. According to a report published by Engadget, the Trump administration is apparently pushing for a centralised and more secure 5G network that must be operational in the next three years.

Currently, the officials are having a difficult time deciding whether they should build the network themselves or allow telecom giants to take over with the project. The network created by the government would be similar to Eisenhower’s National Highway System. It is expected to establish a “new paradigm” for the wireless industry towards the end of Trump’s term. The government officials further go on to note that the private consortium will cause “less commercial disruption” for the time being. If they decide to go private, then it might end up costing a lot more.

“Reuters (news media publication) has learned that the proposal is circulating at a “low level” of the administration, and might take 6 to 8 months before Trump would have to consider it,” the Verge report states.

This will undoubtedly be looked upon as an unprecedented move in the U.S. when it comes to government wireless network. There’s only a question about how fast or slow the first 5G mobile network might be if it ends up happening under the government. The 5G network is expected to be launched for full-fledged use towards the end of 2020.

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Trump admin’s security idea: A govt-run 5G network
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