This New Pill Could Cure Peanut Allergies04:33

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Published on September 30, 2017

A new study might’ve found a possible cure for peanut allergies. How does it work?

Why Are Peanut Allergies Becoming So Common? –
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Read More:

Peanut allergy cured in majority of children in immunotherapy trial

“A small clinical trial conducted at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute has led to two-thirds of children treated with an experimental immunotherapy treatment being cured of their allergy. Importantly, this desensitisation to peanuts persisted for up to four years after treatment.”

Feed Your Babies Peanuts, New Guidelines Say

“Guidelines for new parents is known to shift with the times and the latest government recommendations on when to expose children to peanuts represents a dramatic shift from previous advice to delay exposing children to peanuts until at least after infancy.”

Got Allergies? Blame Neanderthals

“Genetic variants found in modern humans that originally came from Neanderthals may predispose the human immune system to overreact to environmental allergens, according to two new studies published today (Jan. 7) in the American Journal of Human Genetics.”


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This episode of Seeker was written and hosted by Trace Dominguez

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