This Biomimetic Tech Could Mean Fewer Trips to the Dentist (You’re Welcome)04:33

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Published on October 2, 2017

A new material inspired by mussels may be the key to fillings and crowns that never break or fall out.

What Happens When You Don’t Brush Your Teeth? –
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A tougher tooth

“Inspired by the mechanisms mussels use to adhere to inhospitable surfaces, UC Santa Barbara researchers have developed a new type of dental composite that provides an extra layer of durability to treated teeth. The potential payoff? Longer lasting fillings, crowns, implants and other work.”

No More Fillings? Alzheimer’s Drug Triggers Natural Tooth Repair

“A promising new drug, initially developed to treat Alzheimer’s disease, could reduce or even eliminate drilling and filling altogether. The new therapy works by stimulating stem cells to fill in cavities with natural dentin, the calcified material that protects the center of the tooth.”

Why Do We Have Baby Teeth?

“Baby teeth live a tragic life, really. They hang around for a few years then literally drop out, replaced by our permanent adult teeth. The process keeps the Tooth Fairy employed, at least, but you may find yourself wondering: Why do we have baby teeth at all?”


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This episode of Seeker was hosted by Trace Dominguez.

Written by: Sophie Bakoledis

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