” The Massacre Master” – Giant strap-on repeating crossbow

Published on April 20, 2017

This new weapon is basically a full size version of the pencil shooter presented here in early videos! The dimension of the original have been maxed out to the biggest size that can be operated by one man alone.

In the video, you see it compared to the pencil shooter, it’s tiny little brother. Gives you an idea about the dimension.

Attached to your chest, you can draw it back in a rowing fashion. This allows really high draw weights, impossible with a handheld slingshot. This is the most dangerous and effective weapon ever presented on The Slingshot Channel.

45 kg (100 lbs) of a draw weight means it propels the 115 Gramm (a half pound) aluminum bolt, 15mm (0.59″) diameter, with a 12mm (0.47″) diameter steel tip to scary speeds. This uses the operator’s entire effective arm range! I see no way of making it even more powerful. It weighs about 4 kg (10 lb).

The rubber is prestretched from 27 cm to about 90 cm.

It is called the “Massacre Master” because that is what it can cause amongst Zombies – ten such monster bolts fired in under 10 seconds, easily. Short reloading time as you have both hands free. Easy aiming thanks to the long barrel.

We say with pride that we managed to improve Zhuge Liang’s repeating crossbow, and the way we did it would have worked back then (albeit with a normal bow instead of rubber). Can you imagine what a few hundred of these could have done in an ancient battle?

A “The Slingshot Channel” production.




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