Survey Design Tutorial Part 1: Choosing a Survey Goal04:33

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Published on March 14, 2017

This video is Part 1 in the SurveyMonkey Audience Survey Design Video Tutorial series. Using best practices employed by our Jumpstart Survey Creation team, we teach you how to write great surveys.

In Part 1, we cover the basics of choosing a survey goal and a few good subtopics.

A survey should have just 1 major goal and a few relevant subtopics. This will ensure that your survey gets you data that is actionable and easy to analyze.

Check out the rest of our Survey Design Video Tutorial Series!
Part 2 – Writing a Question List:
Part 3 – How to Write a Multiple Choice Question:
Part 4 – Yes/No Questions:
Part 5 – How to Write Clear Answer Choices:
Part 6 – How to Use Ranges:
Part 7 – Matrix Questions:
Part 8 – How to Write a Rating Scale Question:
Part 9 – How to Write a Portion Question:

Learn more about SurveyMonkey Audience here:

Need expert help in writing your survey? Check out SurveyMonkey Audience’s Jumpstart Survey Creation service here:

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