Sneak Preview: Pulley Equipped Ultra Compact Bullpup Slingshot Crossbow04:33

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Published on April 26, 2017

The Slingshot Crossbow Tutorials brought to you here are very popular and many people reported that they made fine weapons by following the how-tos. But the designs always showed rather long weapons. It is time to bring the ball shooting sling-x-bow to the next level:

A Bullpup frame with roller based draw length extension.

This allows a very short weapon (just over two feet in total length), but a lot of power and accuracy at the same time.

This video shows the functional, but unfinished weapon – it needs more sanding, a cool paint job, stronger bands and also a scope. All this will come up next week, including a detailled how-to video with blueprints!

Also, you can win a slingshot. Just leave a comment to a recent blog entry at – winners are drawn every Sunday.

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