Slow motion whip scorpion spraying vinegar *WORLD FIRST?* Slo Mo #4 – Earth Unplugged04:33

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Published on May 12, 2017

In a potential world first we have captured the dual spray of “vinegar” from a vinegaroon (also known as a whip scorpion). We think it’s an Earth Unplugged exclusive, but if you can find footage of this anywhere else, please let us know in the comments!

Shooting vinegar out of its rear, the Giant Vinegaroon has one of the strangest defences in the animal kingdom. Can Sam manage to stimulate it, and will Si be able to capture it? The guys have never even seen it before… let alone in slow motion.

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Original and stunning high definition slow motion footage of animals and their actions. Brought to you by our very own team members; animal nerd Sam, and camera geek Simon.


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