Record-breaker: Nintendo Switch is the fastest selling console in the U.S.

Published on January 5, 2018

Nintendo has been having a great time since the time they launched their hybrid gaming console, Switch in the market. The game developer kick-started 2017 on a positive note, which was carried forward all year. According to the figures released by the company in the recent past, they have managed to break another record in the United States, thanks to the millions of Switch buyers. As noted by Gamespot, the Nintendo Switch is now the fastest-selling gaming console in the first 10 months of it being available in the U.S. market.

Nintendo Switch

The ten months cover the period from March 2017 until now. The firm said that they managed to sell almost 4.8 million Switch units in the U.S. market itself right at the beginning of the month. That figure in itself is a record-breaker as there hasn’t been any other previous home console, which has managed to achieve this deed. The Switch even surpassed the record that Nintendo’s Wii had made back in the day. When September arrived, the company had made a sale of almost 2 million Switch units already.

Nintendo even went on to talk about how a majority of the exclusive and original gaming titles have played an important role in pushing the sales of Switch units. As per the announcement made by them, ‘The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’ is perhaps, one of the biggest launches Switch till date.

The action-packed, gaming title managed to attract over fifty-five percent of the gamers in the whole of U.S. In other words, they managed to sell over 2.64 of its units in the first month itself. This was followed up by another highly-popular game called, ‘Super Mario Odyssey,’ which attracted sixty percent of the sale game (2.88 million units), despite the fact that it was introduced later in the year. Nintendo is highly motivated by this achievement and plans on marking bigger deeds in the future.

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