Pre-recorded Cassettes’ Last Stand

Published on April 10, 2017

In the 1990s cassette sales were falling just as their quality was improving. This video takes a look at some of the techniques used (including DIGalog) to make pre-recorded tapes sound better, with the hope of slowing their demise.

07:46 – “July 1992” (not July 2002)
07:55 – “August 1992” (not August 2002)

A cassette Loader In action:

Recording onto tape using pulses sent to the record head:
(CORRECTION: This video was one linked to in a discussion on this subject (which I don’t really understand)..but it apparently shows something different – nothing to do with PCM pulses sorry)

US Recorded Music Sales Graph:

Discussion of DIGalog on

The clear tapes with red hubs came from
(But they’ve sold out of this colour now)

Duplication machine images from HDT duplicators

HDT are the largest manufacturer of audio cassette tapes in Europe.

My Previous Cassette Video:

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Special thanks to Jerobeam Fenderson for the end graphic.

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