Okay, who REALLY has to register drones with the FAA? I had to, but under protest! See the process.04:33

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Published on February 7, 2017

*Please read. With the Deadline of Feb 19, 2016 approaching fast and the likely hood of the AMA getting the FAA to incorporate the AMA’s 80 year proven way of registering our AMA numbers by then looks bleak. To avoid taking chances of being fined up to $250 K, I decided to register today so you and I could see the process together. You must register yourself, not each aircraft.
See my comments to the FCC below.
The AMA is trying hard to protect us but in reality, it is a big model airplane club up against the Federal Government. I did not want to sign up, and even was instructed by the AMA to wait.

The word is, that if the AMA wins, they will take care of registering all AMA members with the AMA and we could keep using our AMA numbers on our aircraft as we have been doing for 80 years, as an identifier. This is logical and a less expensive way of dealing with it.

As you see, I have issues with the Fixed FAA 400 foot limit. With AMA, you CAN fly over 400 feet, as long as not near questionable zones. But FAA says no! Period.

In the video you will also see the other issues I have. I understand the ramifications and why we must register our machines in this day and age, in their way of thinking. But if you think about it in a bad way, hell, this won’t help at all, and who knows, someone may “borrow” your number and you will get blamed. Just sayin….

Best regards and happy flying,
Dave Herbert
AMA L8221
Leader Member/Contest Director/Scientific Div.

Here is the link to register

This link is for comments. The deadline to submit comments is January 15, 2016.
All comments can be submitted at
This was my comment to the FCC:
Comment: I am a long time member of the AMA. I have adhered to all their rules, including putting my 4 digit AMA number on my aircraft which already identifies me.
For that reason, I do not feel that adding another number, or re-registering myself, is productive. It is a waste of time.
If someone wants to do damage with a drone, they aren’t going to sign up. You are only creating a problem and a logistical nightmare and creating friction in the modeling world which has proven itself to be safe for 80 years under the wing of the AMA..
I signed up, but I did so in protest.

This information will appear on Regulations.gov:
First Name: Dave
Last Name: Herbert
Here is the link to see the latest uAS drone registration news at the Academy of model aeronautics,



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