NitroPlanes MQ-9 Reaper UAV Drone Part 2. FLYING ONLY!04:33

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Published on May 9, 2017

Part 2—The MQ-9 is (at this moment) is the most advanced of the USA’s UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). When NitroPlanes asked me if I would like to review this model before they introduce it later this month, I said “Absolutely!” Having no manual or any idea how to proceed after getting it, I built it (see my other video) and showed the maiden flight. This video shows FLYING ONLY! The motor I decided to use is the A-22, 18 Amp motor from NitroPlanes. It, and the 30 amp Speed Controller, are out of my Guanli Spitfire and proves quite ample. This is a project for an experienced modeler, in my opinion, because I used nothing but experience to figure out how to build this thing without a manual!
I understand now that there is a manual for the Reaper. That would surely would have made it easier, but we Marines like challenges! The manual has 4 pages of drawings and available on NitroPlane’s Website.
This plane flies very sweet and is very smooth. It has lots of lift and can glide a long time with the flaps down. It is a fun airplane and really draws the spectators.

I think this is going to be a real winner for NitroPlanes, as it is a good camera platform plane for taking pictures of cities, towns, farms, crops, or you name it!

Here are some specs:
Wing Span: 2500 mm.. (Approx 8 feet)
Weight: 2500g-2700 g
Length: 1080 mm (Approx 3 feet, 4 inches)
Wing Area: (squared)
Wing Loading: 76-83g/dm (squared)
Airfoil: Eppler 374 Modified
6 Channel Radio with 4 mini servos and 2 standard servos required.
(Without flaps-4)
Motors: (38-42) (I have no idea what that means.
The motor I used had no way to install internally, hence the external mount. It works just fine too.
ESC: 30 amp min. with smaller motor, 40-60 amp min. with larger motor

Note* This is a camera platform. It does not need a larger motor to get high and take pictures, plus the battery will last longer using the 18 amp A-22 motor like I did.

Pusher Props they recommended: 10×6 to 12×8, 2 bladed OR 3 blade 10×6-11×6.
I used a 10×6, 2 blade, non pusher, symmetrical prop.

Battery. I used an 1800 and a 2200, 11.1 volt, 3 Cell LiPo battery in mine and they both work just fine.

They also recommend a 3500 3S, or a 4000 4S. Overkill in my opinion! You will break the wings if you over stress this thing trying to do tight loops. It isn’t a stunt plane!

Thanks for watching, subscribing and Rating.

Dave Herbert
AMA # 8221,

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