My weight lifting progress in 2 months: 17 pound gain: Tribulus & DHEA (testosterone booster)

Published on November 1, 2017

I started lifting about 7 months ago. When I started lifting I was about 160lbs at 6’2 (skinny as hell with a little beer gut even though I really don’t drink). After 5 month of lifting with no supplements I gained no more than 2-4 pounds and really did not see results good enough to keep going as I was putting in all this hard work only to feel discouraged. So you figure I was at about 162-164lbs from 160lbs after 5 months of lifting. In the last 2 months taking Tribulus, DHEA, and protein powder I have gained approximately 17 pound (solid 180lbs now). I first started taking Tribulus after hearing some guys in the gym talking about it. I looked it up when I got home, and after reading the reviews on varies sites which was mixed I went on to order it. I noticed strength and much better pumps in the first few days of taking it (along with some zits). I then proceeded to take protein shakes with another supplement called DHEA. The reason I gave DHEA a try was because some of the Tribulus reviews indicated taking DHEA with the Tribulus for max effect, plus it was cheap as hell. In any event, not sure if it’s some kind of placebo effect (don’t underestimate the power of the placebo effect) but I am happy with the results thus far and people at the gym have noticed the results from these past two months. In these past two months I have gained more stamina, strength, a better sense of well being in such a short time it is very noticeable. Please note that my gains of course are related to me eating more as well as I am hungrier now after lifting harder. I am also drinking more water, especially in the gym because i get more thirsty unlike before the supps. I will update in a month or two.

Below is a list of products I took:

US Amazon——-
DHEA by Swanson:
Protein Power: BSN True Mass-

UK Amazon——-
Protein Power: BSN True Mass-

CA Amazon——
Protein Power: BSN True Mass-


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