Killing Elephants With The Slingshot?04:33

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Published on March 13, 2017

Link to the lance head by Cold Steel:


Elephants are without a doubt the largest land animals walking the Earth today. So for us here at The Slingshot Channel, the challenge is set: Can we build a slingshot that would be able to kill the thick skinned mighty beast?

Cold Steel thankfully sent us just the right thing for that task: A viciously sharp spear head, triangular in shape, hollow ground and very well made. It was easy to attach a long rod to it, a very lethal spear.

But what was needed was a proper launcher for these spears. Since the Dragon Slayer was neither portable nor available (it is already at the art gallery for the upcoming expo), we made a new, really long crossbow for it.

Since we never shoot at living creatures, we needed a simulation for elephant skin, and found it in the form of an old, but high quality latex mattress. See the tests of the simulator first, with a slingshot, an axe, and even a mediaval crossbow. No penetration was achievable.

Then the new weapon was fired at the mattress…

A “The Slingshot Channel” production.

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