JavaScript and object oriented programming04:33

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Published on March 31, 2017

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JavaScript is object oriented programming language. The following are the 4 pillars of any object oriented programming language. We will discuss examples of these in a later video session.
1. Inheritance
2. Encapsulation
3. Abstraction
4. Polymorphism

In this video let’s focus on creating objects in JavaScript. Objects in JavaScript can be broadly classified into 2 categories.
1. Standard built-in objects
2. Custom objects

Standard built-in objects : So far in this video series, we have already seen many of the JavaScript standard built-in objects. Examples include string, array, RegExp, Date etc. In the example below we are creating Date object using the Date constructor function and then using it’s getFullYear() method to get the year.

var currentDate = new Date();

Custom objects : In C#, to create a custom object, we create a Custom class and then create an instance of a class. In JavaScript we don’t have classes. Instead we use functions. In JavaScript there are two ways to create a custom object.
1. Constructor function
2. Literal notation

Creating an object in JavaScript using constructor function

[script type=”text/javascript”]
function Employee(firstName, lastName)
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;

this.getFullName = function ()
return this.firstName + ” ” + this.lastName;

var employee = new Employee(“Pragim”, “Tech”);
document.write(“FirstName = ” + employee.firstName + “[br/]”);
document.write(“LastName = ” + employee.lastName + “[br/]”);
document.write(“FullName = ” + employee.getFullName() + “[br/]”);

Creating an object in JavaScript using literal notation
[script type=”text/javascript”]
var employee =
firstName : “Pragim”,
lastName : “Tech”,

getFullName : function ()
return this.firstName + ” ” + this.lastName;

document.write(“FirstName = ” + employee.firstName + “[br/]”);
document.write(“LastName = ” + employee.lastName + “[br/]”);
document.write(“FullName = ” + employee.getFullName() + “[br/]”);

Both the examples above produce the same output.

What is the difference between creating an object using constructor function and literal notation.
1. In the constructor function the properties and their values separated using an equal-to sign(=) whereas in the literal version, they are separated using a colon (:)
2. In constructor function at the end of each property you can have a semi-colons (;) whereas in the literal version properties must be separated with a comma (,)
3. With literal notation you have already created an object, so to access firstName value you simply use employee.firstName. With the constructor function you have to first create an instance and then use the created instance and the property name separated by DOT as shown below.

var employee = new Employee(“Pragim”, “Tech”);

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