How Much Is Zero? Integrating Solar Power Design and Energy Analysis – AU201504:33

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Published on March 6, 2017

Whether building for net zero or reducing building utility bills, distributed solar has become a common component of the modern design process. To consider photovoltaic, solar hot water, or passive solar from rooftop or remote panels, or to build integrated units in building design, designers need to understand solar-energy-generation potential as an integrated part of the design process. This class will show how to use built-in tools in Revit software and FormIt software to understand the potential of solar power from the very beginning of conceptual design, and to generate and analyze a complete solar design all the way to detailed panel layouts and efficiencies and their effects on overall building-energy performance. We will also show advanced processes using Dynamo solar analysis nodes to parameterize, automate, and optimize your solar power installation.

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