Here my BEAST 3000mW blue laser goes up against a bunch of flammable stuff. Most things light INSTANTLY when placed in the beam of this laser! This is the most powerful handheld laser that I’ve ever used!
NEW!! Even stronger laser that I built!
This laser uses the new 9mm 450nm laser diode and runs on two 18650 Li Ion batteries. The housing is a custom machined “Sirius” host. I usually try to refrain from using the term “lightsaber” when referring to my lasers but there really isn’t much else out there to describe this laser.
To be honest I don’t even like handheld lasers this strong, but I knew my subscribers would like this! This laser is legal to own in the US, and I wore goggles while shooting this video.
UPDATE: This video is getting a LOT of publicity so I better clear some things up. It is 100% percent legal to build and own a laser like this in the US, the FDA just regulates the sale, import, and operation of these lasers. I absolutely do NOT sell lasers over 5mW, so please stop asking. Laser safety is the most important issue to me when shooting these videos and I ALWAYS use certified laser protection when operating ANY laser over 5mW.
Thank you for watching! BTW, I am 20, not 17 like all the news articles say. 😀
Info on the laser:
Info on the machinists of the amazing housing:
Company: DeadEye Laser (now Osirus Labs)
Design & Production: Jamal Hurse
Contact email: [email protected]
Homepage (still under construction):
**Future vid updates**
I have several new videos currently in the works! The RGB laser that I built sucks so I never posted the video, but I should be recording some 3W RGB laser systems soon.
I do have a new laser gun in the works, so keep an eye out for that.
I also have a couple tutorials regarding DIY lasers planned out.
Check out my little sister’s channel! She does DIY stuff, but not exactly with lasers 😀
Stay tuned for more videos, and be sure to subscribe if you haven’t!
Check out to learn more about laser pointers, lasers, and laser pointer companies! I have been a member there for 8 years, and have received a bunch of help from the knowledgeable members there!