Hidrogeno (experimento casero para medir la velocidad de propagacion de la llama) HIDROGEN04:33

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Published on April 28, 2017

Experimento casero para medir la velocidad de propagacion de la llama del hidrogeno, consistente primero con burbujas de butano, luego burbujas de hidrogeno y por ultimo con 90 metros de manguera llena de hho tambien conectada a un globo con hho.
Se pudo establecer mediante el analisis de cuadros de la filmacion y un cronometro, que alcanzo una velocidad de propagacion de 5.440 kilometros por hora, cosa totalmente imposible de imaginar viendolo a simple vista y en tiempo real.
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Home experiment to measure the speed of propagation of the flame of hydrogen, consistent with bubbles of butane first, then hydrogen bubbles and finally with 90 meters of hose filled with hho also connected to a balloon with HHO.
It was established by analyzing the shooting boxes and a chronometer, which reached a speed of propagation of 5440 km per hour, something completely impossible to imagine seeing it with the naked eye in real time.
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