Fastest & Easiest Way to Email Large Files (videos/photos) Right Now FREE on the Fly!!!

Published on June 16, 2017

If you are not familiar with a Cloud Services such as Google Drive, DropBox, iCloud, or Skydrive or just don’t have time to figure out it out right now, then use

Many of you have tried to use email to send a large file but note that Gmail max limit is 25 MB only!

On WeTransfer you can send as many files as you want up to 2GB unlimited amount of times. Just go to, select all the files you want to send (most of you watching this video will only want to send one video file. ha)

Note: WeTransfer is for computer to computer… not phone to computer or vice versa. Look below for more info about sending/receiving large files via phones e.g., Galaxy S4, Iphone, etc

Then input your email, your friends email, add a message if you like and click “upload”.

Now don’t forget that uploading takes longer then downloading. Just start the upload and leave your computer. Once it is done you will get an email that it has been sent (also included in this email will be a link that you can send to anybody else as well).

Once your friend starts downloading your file or files you will get another email that it has been received. In that email it will mention that the file will remain on the server for 7 days. So your friends have seven days to download this file or you will have to do this whole process again.

Now, if you want to send a large files from your phone or vice versa you need to use a cloud service (Google Drive, DropBox, iCloud, or Skydriveor) or an app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. There are many free ones but most of them are buggy. And i cannot recall the best one i have used thus far as many of the names are similar. The one i used before of course was free and did not need to sign up.

Any questions plz comment below.

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