EXTRAÑA INDUCCION: Mas consume menos amp. gasta? /STRANGE INDUCTION: More consumed less amps spent?04:33

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Published on December 22, 2017

Trato de medir el consumo ante el fenomeno de la induccion y me llevo una sorpresa: En apariencia, mientras mas consumo agrego , menor es el gasto en amperios
Energia residual en motores que se podria aprovechar:

Motor Bedini: Mitos y verdades:

Como remplazar fluorescentes por tubos de Leds:

Luz por induccion con una bicicleta:

I try to measure the consumption before the phenomenon of the induction and I am surprised: In appearance, the more consumption I add, the lower the cost in amps
Residual energy in engines that could be exploited:

Bedini Engine: Myths and truths:

How to replace fluorescents with LED tubes:

Induction light with a bicycle:

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