DIY: How To Build A 1W Burning Blue Laser Torch!04:33

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Published on February 17, 2017

How to make a handheld 1W 445nm blue laser torch. This laser is focusable, unlike the Wicked Lasers Arctic, which makes it even better for burning. This build will cost around $130, less than half the Arctic price.

Parts list:
Flashlight (There are a lot of options, I chose to “drill out the pill”. You can add a bunch of extra options, like the “hot option”. With the hot option You won’t have to buy a flexdrive because there is already one placed in the flashlight set to the current you want. This saves a lot time.
Flexdrive (choose preset and type in 1000mA:
1W Blue Laser Diode:
Aixiz 445nm lens:
Aixiz module:

I do not recommend this build to someone without much experience in lasers or electronics. Try out one of my more simpler builds instead. If you try this build with out ever building a laser before there is a 99.9% chance you will fail, seriously. This is a complicated build and there are a lot of things you can do to mess up.


I’m sure a lot of you are thinking, “Why on Earth would you show the general public how to make a class IV laser?” I wasn’t planning on showing how to build one of these, but now that any random idiot can go and buy a 1W laser from multiple companies, I might as well take the opportunity to promote safety. No person will complete this build without some reading first, and then they will know how dangerous this laser is.

For info on these lasers check out

Some rules regarding these lasers: You cannot EVER use this laser indoors without goggles. Looking at the dot up close WILL give you PERMANENT retinal burns. You cannot show this laser to friends if they do not have goggles, no exceptions. Do not point this laser near any other people out side and never annoy people with lasers. If you cannot handle these rules you probably aren’t smart enough to build a laser like this anyway. I’m not trying to be a dick here, laser safety is serious stuff.

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