Deep Freeze Dips at Lake Okabena, Worthington, Minn. 1-12-13

Published on March 21, 2017

**Cold is Bad…But Cold and Wet is even Badder! These “Badder” 42 folks jumped into the icy waters on the FROZEN Lake Okabena Saturday the 12th of January 2013 for Worthington Minnesota’s Winterfest’s Deep Freeze Dip to raise money for the Jami Cummings Learn to Swim program and the WWII Honor Flight Program with help from the Southwest Minnesota’s Fishing club, Radio works, and many others.

The temperature as I recorded it was around 12 degrees with wind chills way lower. Fundraising was set with a $25,000 goal, which I heard was close. You can still donate and help push to the $25,000 mark! Contact event coordinator Chad Cummings for info.

Radio Works and the Southwest Minnesota Fishing Club put on a good show, but the jumpers were the real show. Radio Works and Southwest Minnesota Fishing Club’s efforts and have gone a long way to help back the local organizations. Thank you.

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