d-limonene polystyrene DIY Nano fiber micro-weave antimicrobial collagen growth meshwork styrene

Published on February 25, 2017

USING STYRENE organically dissolved in d-limone, antimicrobial nano weave networks are created. These nano weaves are loomed via high voltage static charges to create bacterial trapping custom fabrics containing extreme surface area. For mammalian organs and vascular structures, internal, non-rejection of custom arterial designs for DNA specific collagen, endothelial cell clumping and cell migration via nitric oxide encouraged doping of cell specific growth factors are possible. These structures could posses the individual’s DNA providing permanent replacement of human body parts including vascular, organ, bone, nerve and complete limbs 🙂 Their pets too. JUST A THOUGHT. This can also be used to make fake DIY spiderwebs that are actually accepted as farming weave for certain arachnids.

Acetone also works too but creates a milky white goop verses the nice clear gel. ORANGE OIL is mostly D-Limonene
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) also known as Styrofoam® (extruded polystyrene foam) which is a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company for closed-cell foam currently made for thermal insulation and craft applications.

The orange spray is pure orange oil harvested from orange peels. Other citrus peels have a similar effect on polystyrene.

The artificial artery was constructed with a method I designed to resemble “Circle of Willis” and tubes was about 5mm in diameter. The strands leaked (not shown) providing evidence that cell proliferation of the porous membrane may be possible. Once removed from the water solution the walls collapsed and clung together but maintained the basic design. The tubes were spun with many thousands of RPM and several strand bundles.

The spiderweb consists of many hundreds of strands pulled up to 3 meters in lengths. Smaller bundle and single strands float on thermals inside a room and can remain off the ground for several minutes under the proper conditions.

As a clear coat or wood sealant the dry time is approximately 12 hours and another 24-48 hours for the orange smell to dissipate.

Orange oil is an essential oil produced by cells inside the rind of an orange fruit.



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