Creating VR film “Francis” using AMD Radeon Pro WX7100 Workstations04:33

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Published on June 29, 2017

Professional graphic cards exist for a reason. To find out more about pro cards and VR film editing workflow, Newegg visited Fugitives Editorial in Los Angeles, creators of the VR film “Francis” using 360 VR cameras, AMD Radeon Pro WX7100 editing systems and serious Adobe CC skills. Time is money and using VR content creation graphic cards in extreme systems with Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, VR modeling software Mettle and huge RAID array systems means projects that were impossible for a small production house are now doable with a few machines.

Products in Video:
AMD WX7100 Graphics Card:
AMD WX5100 Graphics Card:

Check out VR Film “Francis”:
Fugitives Editorial:

Special Guest: Travis Hatfield, Fugitives
Special Guest: Scott Barker, Fugitives
Created By: Josh Ray
Director of Photography/Editor: Joel Moody

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