AT WHAT COST: Police Roadblocks, Speed Traps in America?!04:33

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Published on March 7, 2017

I remain astounded at what Americans have come to accept. With the promise of doubtful security delivered, they have signed over their personal freedom and privacy to both local and federal agencies. They happily go through TSA full body scanners at the airport, essentially stripped naked by this technology, and think nothing of it. In a free society we balance righs vs security daily but where are the scales now? What about that Patriot Act? Foundational in this video of course is that most police officers and even local and federal agencies do good work making Rule of Law possible. We thank and support them for this. But many do not focus on the actual criminals but the CITIZEN and without question, happily support the reigning Zeitgeist. Some agencies take delight is enforcing unconstitutional or just plain stupid laws against good citizens, no judgment exercised (after all it’s “the law” isn’t it?). Welcome to another freedom defending video from TNP. The conversation will revolve around SPEED TRAPS and CHECKPOINTS conducted ever increasingly on America roadways. But as you will see there are much bigger issues at play beneath the surface. Are you truly free to go about your business unharassed and unsearched by the government? We will discuss the serious implications of these police activies as they relate to Mr and Mrs Gun Owner who may or may not choose to follow the looming Universal Gun Registration. Be advised, these police traps have been and will be set for YOU no matter how they’re sold to the public: sobriety, immigration,seatbealt, or agricultural checkpoints. “We’re from the government, we’re here to keep you safe…now please pull over to Lane 2 for a vehicle search.” Other topics will come into focus as well here: automated systems like speed cameras, vehicle following drones, the Patriot Act, your rights via the 4th Amendment, grass roots success in fighting these activities, how the activities of a small minority should not control societal approach, securing the border, gun powder sniffing dogs, how real police handle these matters, fighting real crime, and much more. Another not to miss TNP bombshell of a video that serves the REAL interest of society: remaining a free and unharassed people just as our wise Forefathers intended.//////////////////


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