Android Developer Story: Buffstudio — Reaching global users with Google Play (Korean)04:33

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Published on May 2, 2017

Find out how Buffstudio, developer of the successful game ‘Buff Knight’, grew it’s global reach and maintain a competitive edge using Google Play Services and Google Play Developer Console.

We’re also pleased to share that Android Developer Stories will now come with translated subtitles on YouTube in popular languages around the world. Find out how to turn on YouTube captions here [ To read locally translated blog posts, visit the Google developer blog in Korean [

Check out more Android developer stories:

버프 스튜디오의 김도형 대표님을 소개합니다. “”용사는 진행중””이라는 게임을 혼자 개발한 후, 구글 플레이에서 성공적인 성과를 기록하시어 현재는 한 개발사의 대표가 되어 열심히 차기작을 개발 중이십니다.

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