Android 4.4 Factory Images Available, CyanogenMod Installer Released, Google Glass Open for Signup!

Published on October 12, 2017

Android 4.4 KitKat factory images and driver binaries are now available for the Nexus 4, 7, and 10! That and much more news is covered by Jordan when he reviews all the important stories from this week. Included in this week’s news is the announcement that CyanogenMod installer is now available in the play store and signups for Google Glass is open. That’s not all that covered in today’s video!

Jordan talks about the other videos released this week on XDA Developer TV. XDA Developer TV Producer TK released an Xposed Tuesday video for App Settings, XDA Developer TV Producer AdamOutler showed us how to build a one button keyboard, and XDA Developer TV Producer TK gave us an Android App Review of 8Sms. Pull up a chair and check out this video.

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to stories mentioned:

Android 4.4 KitKat Factory Images and Driver Binaries Now Available for Nexus 4, 7 (All), and 10:
The Incredible Android 4.4 Ported to the HTC Incredible S:
KitKat Conquers NovaThor: Early CM11 for the Galaxy SIII Mini:
CyanogenMod Installer Now Available in the Play Store:
Google Glass Explorer Program Open for Signup:
XDA Xposed Tuesday: Per App Layout and DPI Settings — XDA Developer TV:
Hardware Hacking: How to Make Your Own USB keyboard for Android — XDA Developer TV:
Android App Review: Get the Old SMS on KitKat with 8SMS — XDA Developer TV:

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