Advances in Treatment of Intra-Cranial Aneurysm04:33

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Published on August 31, 2017

Live Webcast November 29, 2007 7:00 PM EST
From NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, NYC, NY

Intracranial aneurysms represent a significant public health problem. In the case of a ruptured brain aneurysm, the emergent care for the cerebrovascular lesion itself, as well as the major complications caused by the rupture, represent a significant medical challenge for physicians, an outsized financial burden shouldered by the insurance payer, and a daunting personal trial for the patient and family members. In the past, fully two-thirds of those stricken with a ruptured aneurysm would suffer either death or disability. This webcast will discuss the medical advances that have begun to improve these historic rates.

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