Switch to the original version of Snapchat, here’s how

Published on February 12, 2018

Snapchat users aren’t exactly having a good time on the photo-sharing platform. The developers managed to piss off even the most loyal users with its latest redesign. The recent update merges a friend’s snap messages with their Stories. As noted by Mashable, this significant change might be the first significant fault in the application. Fortunately for users, there’s one way to switch back to the old Snapchat application. Readers are advised to note that there is a catch to it.


“Twitter user Clare James posted step-by-step instructions Friday on how to revert to the old Snapchat on IOS, and we confirmed on our own iPhone X that it works,” a report by Mashable reads. Following given are the steps you should follow if you want to switch back to the original Snapchat application.

“You could also lose your Memories if you reinstall Snapchat. Snapchat suggests you back them up for safety:

Before reinstalling Snapchat or logging out, make sure Memories are backed up or you could lose them

Settings > Memories > Backup Progress ‘Complete’ means you’re all set. If not, tap to see which Snaps need backing up.

You’ll also need your password so you can log back in!”

As mentioned previously, there’s a catch to this change. A Snapchat spokesperson commented on this, saying that this workaround is only temporary. If an individual force quits the application and re-opens it again, they will end up getting the redesigned version.

Snapchat declined to tell us how long this workaround will last. Additionally, if you do choose to revert to the old update, you won’t get access to new features. Snapchat hasn’t commented on whether they plan on changing the functionality of the platform back to its original form.




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