Google’s Arts and Culture app is going viral, here’s why

Published on January 20, 2018

Many have gone on to suggest that everyone on this planet has six other look-alikes. If you are among those, whose fantasized about discovering what your pseudo identical twin might look like, Google’s latest Arts and Culture application might come in handy. The application is specifically designed to capture and identify the structure and details of the subject’s face and then go on to match it with one of the artworks, dating back to the 18th century.

Google’s Arts and Culture app.

Due to the uniqueness of Google’s Arts and Culture application, it has shot to instant fame. The application is based upon the facial recognition software available within the application. As detailed out by an online publication, the facial recognition software is becoming increasingly famous by the day.

There are many uses that one can avail of this tool. Technology giants such as Apple and Samsung have already worked towards making it available to their users as a form of security facility, which essentially provides them access to their devices. Little did one know, that this technology would be put to use to tackle the challenge of matching living people with artistic masterworks from the 18th century?

A Michigan-based computer scientist named Anil. K. Jain feels that the facial recognition systems have been known to work with a hundred percent success only if the user faces the camera directly. They are required to get rid of any kind of large accessory that might be causing obstruction in the view.

However, that does not necessarily mean that the same principles are an application on Google’s Arts and Culture application as well. Individuals can even make silly expressions and they will receive their results nonetheless. “For this application, you can do anything,” Jain says. “You could even take a picture of your cat or dog,” and find some kind of a match with a master artwork from the 18th century.

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Google’s Arts and Culture app
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