Angular project setup04:33

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Published on December 16, 2017

This is Part 1 of Angular CRUD tutorial. In this video and in our upcoming videos in this series we will discuss performing CRUD operations in Angular i.e Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting in Angular with simple examples.

Setting up a new angular project from scratch is a tedious and time consuming process. However, Angular CLI makes it super fast and easy. With angular development, we write same boiler plate code to create components, pipes, services, directives etc. Manually creating these consumes lot of time. Angular CLI can generate these with lightning speed while still following Angular’s best practices and conventions. So basic knowledge of Angular CLI is very helpful.

The prerequisites for this course are basic knowledge of Bootstrap, Angular CLI and Angular 2. If you are new to these please check out our courses using the links below.

Angular CLI :

Angular 2 :

Bootstrap :

Installing the tools required

Node : Install the latest version of node. Here is the link to download and install the latest version

To check the version of node
node -v

Angular CLI : Install the latest version of Angular CLI by executing the following command from the windows command prompt.
npm install -g @angular/cli

To verify the version of Angular CLI installed on your machine execute the following command.
ng -v

Another question that you might have is, which version of Angular are we using with this course. As of this recording, the latest version is Angular 5, which is what we will be using.

After you have the latest version of Node and Angular CLI installed, launch windows command prompt as an administrator and execute the following command. This creates a new AngularProject with name AngularCrud. We do not want test files to be generated for the root component AppComponent, so we have set “skip-tests” option to true. We will discuss unit testing components in a later video.

ng new AngularCrud –skip-tests true

Once you have the Angular project opened in Visual Studio Code, open package.json file and notice that we are using Angular 5.

We will be using Bootstrap for styles in our application. So install Bootstrap by executing the following command from the command prompt.
npm install bootstrap@3 –save

Once Bootstrap is installed, open .angular-cli.json file and specify the path to the Bootstrap stylesheet (bootstrap.min.css) in the styles property as shown below.
“styles”: [

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