Quantum Teleportation Is Real, Here’s How It Works04:33

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Published on November 29, 2017

Scientists successfully achieved earth-to-space quantum teleportation, but what exactly does that mean?

How Quantum Computing Will Change The World! –

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Teleportation: Photon particles today, humans tomorrow?

“Chinese scientists say they have “teleported” a photon particle from the ground to a satellite orbiting 1,400km (870 miles) away. For many, however, teleportation evokes something much more exotic. Is a world previously confined to science fiction now becoming reality? Well, sort of. But we are not likely to be beaming ourselves to the office or a beach in the Bahamas anytime soon. Sorry.”

China Demonstrates First Intercontinental Quantum Communication

“The first public demonstration of long distance quantum communication came a few weeks after China unveiled a new 1,240-mile-long optic-fiber quantum communication network between Beijing and Shanghai for the “military, finance, and government affairs fields.” In May, Chinese researchers announced a new quantum computer that they claimed was 24,000 times faster than competing designs, too.”

Quantum Data Storage in a Single Atom Brings New Computing Era Closer to Reality

“We’re on the verge of a quantum computing revolution. Entirely new devices will replace tiny transistors on silicon chips with atomic-scale processors capable of executing exponentially more calculations per second than today’s biggest and fastest supercomputers.”

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Special Thanks to Trace Dominguez for hosting and writing this episode of Seeker!



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