Charge Your Cell Phone In 5 Seconds04:33

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Published on November 20, 2017

Supercapacitors: They’ll enable you to charge your cell phone in 5 seconds, or an electric car in about a minute. They’re cheap, biodegradable, never wear out and as Trace’ll tell you, could be powering your life sooner than you’d think.

Read More:
“See The Scientific Accident That May Change The World (Or At Least Your Battery Life)”

“Why aren’t we powering everything with tiny, fast, biodegradable “batteries”?”

“More Good News About The ‘Scientific Accident That May Change The World'”

“That battery life video that had gone viral due to a recent post on UpWorthy (and which we told you about Tuesday) now has an update.”

“Battery Viral Video: Legitimate or Too Good to Be True?”

“There’s a video making the viral rounds describing a potential energy storage device that seems way too good to be true: a high capacity “battery” made in an almost absurdly simple process, which offers the prospect of super-fast charging of everything from smartphones to electric cars, and which can be safely composted at the end of its useful life.”

“Graphene And The Emerging Technology of Neural Prostheses”

“Neural implants are set to be revolutionised by a new type of graphene transistor with a liquid gate, say bio-engineers”

Graphene Flagship

DNews is a show about the science of everyday life. We post two new videos every day of the week.

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