The Awesome Daughter Part 204:33

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Published on November 8, 2017

Imagine the perfect mom, the perfect wife. She’s adventurous, well adjusted, kind, self confident, fun loving, even keeled, creative, mechanical and so much more. Ok, it’s going to be rare ANYONE lives up to that standard but there are some pretty awesome girls out there. Chances are they got that way because of a good Dad somewhere along the way. Chances are he loved her like good Dad’s should love their little girls, spent lots of time with her, and just plain taught and prepared her about life. Chances are, even after she’s all grown up, this special relationship will continue to flourish. The father has a tremendous opportunity to make these “awesome daughters” and it might be his life’s most important work. Nothing is will be as meaningful, nothing as impactiful to society. These little girls, become women, marry, and have kids of their own who in turn are taught and learn these same wonderful attributes. In this series we talk about how some of my 10 Steps can help Dad’s (and Moms!) set out a plan to do the exactly this. Some folks are at a loss and really don’t know where to start especially with the static and just plain nonsense dispensed by popluar culture. From loving your daughter to exposing her to hardship to teaching her to be gracious and unentitled to teaching her about evil to limiting social media with your enforced standards, good parenting just does not happen. It takes work, a plan, and VISION. This Awesome Daughter series can help out with that last part and you might see these concepts how ring true. Excellent or awesome wives and daughters are the cornerstones of our world and their influence resonants through the centuries. By loving and teaching our little girls we’ve been entrusted with, to be the same way, we can save this world.

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