The Best Food For High Cholesterol04:33

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Published on October 29, 2017

Are the apparently amazing benefits of amla—dried indian gooseberries—too good to be true?

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So excited to get back to this after all these years. Here’s the original series, which gives tips on how to find the stuff:
• Amla Versus Cancer Cell Growth (
• Amla Versus Cancer Cell Invasion (
• Amla Versus Diabetes (

What else is super-duper antioxidant packed? See my videos Antioxidant Power of Plant Foods vs. Animal Foods ( and Antioxidant Content of 3,139 Foods (

Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion in my next video Amla vs. Drugs for Cholesterol, Inflammation, and Blood-Thinning (

No matter how well it works, though, one can essentially eliminate risk of heart disease with a healthy enough diet. See my overview video How Not to Die from Heart Disease ( But if after doing everything right your cholesterol is still too high, amla may help.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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